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Service Above Self
"Downtown Truckee"
Truckee, CA 96161
United States of America
About the Truckee Sunrise Rotary Club
The Truckee Sunrise Rotary Club was chartered on May 18, 1993 to provide voluntary service and financial support to the youth, economically disadvantaged, and elderly of our local, national, and international communities. We are a service club of active professional people dedicated to helping people in need.
We are a part of Rotary International, an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. There are approximately 1.2 million Rotarians, members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in 200 countries and territories.
The Truckee Sunrise Rotary Club is part of Rotary District 5190. Our members are dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back.
Check Out Our Upcoming Events
Our major annual fundraiser is TRUCKEE BINGO which is a highly anticipated social event in the community attracting hundreds of visitors and locals alike.
Click here for more information.
Help Us Support Our Local and International Causes
Truckee Rotary Foundation
Halloween Parade
Truckee Community Christmas
Senior Christmas Party
Betsy Watson Scholarship
Literacy Programs
SELS Yosemite Program
Sierra High School Scholarship
Sierra Senior Services
Family Resource Center
Project Mana
Youth Service
Youth Exchange
ACMS - College Tours for Middle School Kids
Speech and Music Contests (Club and Area)
Drama Club
Dictionary Program
International Service
Group Study Exchange
Community Service
Earth Day Flyer Translation
Graffiti Removal
Rotarians at Work Day
Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.